Saturday, July 12, 2008

Change of Plans - Day 4

Today was originally scheduled to be our sightseeing day, but we decided to put those plans on hold to help out the church. In the morning, one group visited the family of Fernando, one of the younger leaders in the church; he is "crazy for Jesus", as he called himself, but his extended family is all catholic.
We had a unique opportunity to observe a combined service between all five of the baptist churches in Morelia; it was a small service, but all of the leaders of the churches were gathered together to discuss their coordinated missions strategy to reach the state of Michoacan. Eduardo told us later that because we were able to be there with him, along with the students from the BSU, these leaders were able to see what the BSU is doing. He has struggled to gain support from more than a couple local churches, and this was a big encouragement to him, because the state director promised him more support during this service.
We enjoyed a local fruit salad called "Gazpacho" and also did a little shopping in the local markets. In the afternoon we visited more families from the church; Steve and Ben had the opportunity to talk with a woman for about an hour who had lost her father, a leader in the church, not too long ago. Most of the families we visited were hurting in some way, and we were able to encourage them, pray for them, and invite them to return to church, as many had not attended in awhile.

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