Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Day in Ukraine

We arrived safely Sunday in Odessa, Ukraine, and although tired, we have acclimated well to a new time zone and culture. After a good night’s sleep, we spent most of Monday passing out flyers on several university campuses. Around 100 students came to the testing last night, where we determined who would be placed in our beginner, intermediate, and advanced clubs. Today the phones have been ringing off the hook as students are calling Alina and Anya, the Campus Crusade staff we are working with, to find out if they were accepted. Classes begin at 6:00pm (10:00am CST), and we were able to keep 75 students. John Pasquet will be teaching the beginner class, Conrad Hake will be teaching the intermediate, and Corinne Smeda and Hilary Dorr will be teaching the advanced.

After feedback from cultural perspectives of past students, we have made a few changes to our teaching curriculum. Pray that we will be able to adjust smoothly to the changes, and that we will be able to effectively reach the students. Also pray that we will retain students through these first few key days.

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