Monday, July 27, 2009

1st Day of Clubs

Our first day was a little different than we may have initially expected, but overall it went really well. Instead of teaching one club that would follow a similar format to the 5 Day Clubs that we are used to, we ended up working with teachers from the church and doing rotating stations with four groups of kids by age. Because of the rotation, most of the team are teaching their areas four times during the club instead of once.
Each of team members was able to gain experience at equipping others to serve alongside them in ministry, for example, Ben taught the mission story and worked with a translator and plans to grow into splitting the teaching with them later in the week; Mallory prepared another girl to teach the kids the Gold page of the Wordless Book, and Matt and Robin worked on incorporating some of the Mexican team into the puppet show and skits. Adriana, one of the children's teachers at Iglesia Jerusalen, was invaluable today. She organized the schedule, handled the rotation, and worked with the kids in between stations and after clubs to review what they learned.
In the evening we went to Collinas del Sur and led a club in the home of a family there. This family was reached through Pastor Roberto's radio ministry, and he has been working with them on starting a Bible study in their home. Their home is the center of the mission in Collinas that will, Lord-willing, develop into a church. We had about 40 kids split into three groups in the small home, but things went very smoothly and the kids seemed to respond very well. We look forward to another round beginning tomorrow morning.
Our biggest setback has been from illness. Ben got sick on the trip down, and Debi caught it and has been out of commission and resting today. Ben is doing quite a bit better; pray for full recovery quickly for Ben and Debi and that this does not get passed on to the rest of the team.

1. Steve teaching his memory verse in a club at Jerusalen.
2. Playing games in the street in Collinas del Sur outside the house where clubs are held.
3. Living room of the house in Collinas; lady in wheelchair allowed us to use her entire home.

1 comment:

Tod said...

Fantastic update - thank you very much. I'm sure you are reaching many hearts. You are in my prayers.