Friday, August 7, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Mexico team is back home after a great trip!
Safely on the ground in St Louis, with uneventful flights today.
Boarding in Dallas for St Louis, then Columbia. Trying to re-learn how to say thank you instead of gracias. 2/10 so far.
Back in Dallas, waiting to go through passport control. Just about officially back on American soil.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Finishing Strong

Just a brief update to say that our weekend ended incredibly well. We had a good club with the new mission that is near the Monarcas soccer stadium on Saturday morning; the mission was started only recently and includes two families that are trying to reach their neighborhood with the hope of planting a church in the new future. We enjoyed hosting the dinner for the evening celebration, and the BBQ chicken, shish-ka-bobs and, mashed potatoes were a hit (although starting the grill required a creative combination of dry grass, paper, cardboard, cooking oil, and rubbing alcohol).

Sunday morning we had the opportunity to worship with the remnant of El Divino Salvador, Eduardo's church that recently went through a split. The church is currently meeting in his home, and over 50 people were packed into his living and dining rooms. The team shared in worship, and Conrad preached and led communion. In the afternoon, most of the time got to do a little shopping and sightseeing in downtown Morelia, while Conrad, Heber, and Eduardo discussed a debriefing from the week and future ministry plans. Afterwards we hurriedly rushed to Iglesia Jerusalen to pack our things, say goodbyes, and join them for a concluding service to the week. We exchanged gifts, tears, and goodbyes on both sides, as we saw our theme verse coming to fruition: sharing not only the gospel, but our lives as well (1 Thess 4:8). We left the church, arriving at the bus station with only minutes to spare for our all-night trek to Puerto Vallerta.

We will spend the next couple of days debriefing as a team and enjoying some well-earned R&R. Every team member worked a grueling schedule throughout the last ten days, with little downtime or even time together as an entire team. We'll continue to share results from last week and post more pictures soon.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

End of the Week

The past two days have been a great conclusion to an amazing week. We have had spotty internet access the last few days, so we haven't been able to update as often as desired. We finished our clubs at Iglesia Jerusalen and Colinas averaging 80 kids total each day, with a team of 15-20 that included our team and the team from Jerusalen. We were able to play soccer Thursday and Friday evening at Colinas, and Matt shared the Ball of Many Colors with the kids and teens that we played with last night.

This weekend is another exercise in flexibility and ministry opportunities! The church has another mission that is brand new in Morelia, and we will be leading a one day club there today at noon. Tonight is a celebration with the entire Bible School team, and we are hosting a BBQ for the church leaders. Tomorrow Conrad will be preaching at El Divino Salvador, Eduardo's church, and our team will also be sharing in worship. We hope to spend some time downtown in the afternoon, and then we will be back at Iglesia Jerusalen briefly in the evening to share in the service before we catch our bus for Puerto Vallarta. We have a full weekend ahead of us!

Thanks for following our updates and praying!