Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First Few Days in Morelia

We have finished two days working with the people of El Divino Salvador in the community of Mision del Valle. It has been an answer to prayer for both our groups to see the small rented house full of life energy, the fulfillment of a vision that began in March. The Bible study that outgrew the home of Noe and Sol Soto began meeting in the house this spring, and is the basis for El Divino Salvador's church plant among the 1,000 homes of the Valle area.

We have had the privilege of helping with Bible school in the mornings and other outreaches in the evenings. 12 kids and 2 parents came to our first day of Bible school, and 20 kids, along with a couple teens and parents, attended today. Jordan is teaching memory verses, Lydia is working with the puppet team, and Debi is coordinating crafts. Because of the evangelistic nature of the Bible school, we've been using the same Wordless Book theme as last year with Iglesia Jerusalen.

The Montemayor family is leading the ministry from the church's side. Nena has been our consistent translator and liaison, her sister Mine is the director of the Bible school, and her dad, David, is the general director of the outreach this week. Eduardo is leading the afternoon and evening outreaches. Yesterday was good, but a little rough as everyone figured out how to work things best in a new area with a combined team, but the efforts for the gospel were effective nonetheless, as both parents that came Monday expressed interest in the Bible study and a desire to know more. We also have a unique opportunity to impact a couple of students who are helping with the BSU and have been involved this week, but are not yet believers. One girl accepted Christ a few weeks ago, an her friends have come because they are interested in what they have seen.

Prayer requests:
1. Smooth continuation of the Bible school this week that results in confidence to attempt another one next year.
2. A movie outeach for kids tonight and a soccer outreach for teens tomorrow evening.
3. Strength and focus for all involved in ministry this week.
4. Karen and Tania, the two girls who are not yet believers.
5. Claudia and Yvonne, two new believers in Mision del Valle, as they and their families get plugged into the ministry this week.


Unknown said...

We will continue to pray and will pray specifically for your requests this evening. So relieved to know you are all safe and sound.

JBBrazil said...

Awesome! I'm glad stuff is coming together... It's cool to see ministry continuing from past trips, even between Calvary and Grace, like with Fani and her friends... Praying for you guys.