Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lakota Work Team - Monday evening, 3/26

Good evening from Sharps Corner.  Today went well. It was warm after 10 AM--T-shirt weather--AND we had the excitement of an early evening dust storm.

The drywall on the ceiling of the bathhouse is up and the walls have only a small bit left to put up. We will tape and mud the bathhouse tomorrow.  The downstairs of the church is almost completely painted (Ben's work mostly) and the entryway drywall is taped and mudded--second coat went on today.  We will paint it tomorrow.

Everyone is doing well, except that Dennis started feeling unwell/tired today, so we ended up bringing him back to the church early in the afternoon to rest. He was okay by dinner. The smoothness and speed with which the work has progressed is a sure blessing from God. It is reassuring and inspiring to visualize how these manual, physical tasks will turn to the spiritual benefit of the people here as they come to Christ. 
I really wish I could stay a few more days here, and I think some others feel the same. It's really not much of a discomfort staying here at the church (and we found several air matresses today that will add greatly to our comfort tonight). That's the report for today. I took photos today of the work; I will upload when I can get a stable fast connection. More news tomorrow. 

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