Friday, July 27, 2012

Brazil July 2012--Day 10

I thought I'd get the blog out early today, since the day is gearing up to be a really long day.  This weekend is the English camp, where 50+ people, ranging in age from 13-30 will attend and stay Friday night through Sunday morning, and we are spending the morning in preparation for the upcoming weekend.

Our job this weekend is to use English as the base for starting conversations with these people.  Most of the attendees will not be believers, so this is a prime opportunity to use verses & Bible Studies to draw them into a discussion about the Lord.  We will fill in time over the weekend with Worship, Devotionals, Games and other activities, to further the English conversations.

Please continue to pray for those of us on the team who are sick, most everyone is feeling quite a bit better, but still lacking a bit of sleep. Please also pray for the English camps, that there would be opportunities to talk in English, to share the love of Christ with them just in how we relate with others, and for energy & endurance for our team as the weekend starts at 8:00 pm tonight and continues non-stop through Sunday morning at brunch. Also, today is Ryan's last full day with us.  Please pray for him as he flies out Saturday night to return to work on Monday.

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