Saturday, July 28, 2012

Brazil July 2012--Day 11

Or should we just title this GIANT spiders, silly bugs & porcupines!?? Probably more indicative of things here lately!  Mallory found a giant spider, no really! It was GIANT! (and I have the picture to prove it) in our room, causing much panic & lack of sleep that night.  Mallory also had a run-in with a porcupine on the front porch of our dwelling...thankfully quills stayed intact and no one was hurt.  Then the silly bugs....bites everywhere, and random crawly things showing up uninvited!

Well, Day 11 has brought quite eventful things here in Mogi, starting with the 11th Anniversary for Conrad & I!  We have spent all but 1 anniversary either on a Missions trip or on a Youth related trip...and I must admit, I guess I don't mind too much when the Missions trip carries us to a foreign field....I mean, when else am I going to be on top of a mountain  for our anniversary!?

Day 11 also brings us to the first full day of the English Camp.  Last night went pretty much as planned and blogged about earlier.  Young people (13-30) began showing up around 8:00 pm and trickled in all evening.  We began the camp with activities to get to know each other, a dinner consisting of Beef Stew, and more games well into the late night.  Most of our team crawled into bed around 2:00am, though some were still up with the young people. 

Today started with breakfast, followed by worship, activities, and the 1st English conversation group.  We split into teams and accepted only English in the groups, as we shared a passage from John and then discussed the passage in depth.  The group I was in seemed to go very well, and was well received by the group as well.  The other group leaders shared similar thoughts.

We've enjoyed  a bit of free time over the afternoon, and are getting ready to start another English conversation group here in a minute.  Please pray for these groups!  It is a great opportunity to share our faith & open the door for a discussion about Christ.  After the groups meet, there will be more worship, games & activities, a bonfire with worship and a late-night Capture the Flag game. Considering that the last time I (Debi) played a game of Capture the Flag in the dark I broke my jaw...I think I'll pass on that activity!  But I'm sure the rest of our group will enjoy it!

So far, the young people here have enjoyed games that we play at home such as Can-Can, 'I like people', Human Knot and many more.  They've also enjoyed teaching us some games in Portuguese, and assessing our soccer skills!

Today, please pray for the English Conversation groups, hearts to be opened, and safe travels for Ryan as he headed to the airport to fly back home.

Stay tuned for more tomorrow!  

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