Saturday, July 21, 2012

Brazil July 2012--Day 3

We have our luggage!!!! I realize it's pretty un-missionary (is that a word!?) of us to be so excited about this, but having clean underwear and warm sleeping clothes tonight can't help but make all of us in a better mood tomorrow, right!?

As for our day today, we had a good day here in Brazil.  Everything we encountered today was unexpected and not prepared for...but as Leandro & Julie always say, "improvisation is part of the plan."  :-)

We enjoyed a simple breakfast of fruit, bread & coffee.  I'll attach a picture of coffee later, but they serve coffee here (everywhere!) in cups smaller than bathroom cups and it's SO sweet.

After breakfast we had an orientation meeting in which we heard the incredible story of how Julie's dad started Abacar over 50 years ago, all with $200 cash and a LOT of faith.  It was very incredible and very touching to hear the passion and amazement in his voice about how God worked in his life and in the beginning stages of the camp makings. To see tears in his eyes as he talks about his wife and how God brought them together, as well as how the property was bought was incredibly moving. 
I hope to organize a video or at least pictures and a testimony so you all at home can see and hear what goes on here, and how it all started. It is quite incredible.

After the meeting, we left to go to the top of the mountain that the camp is located on.  The view was amazing, looking out over all of Mogi.  All of your kids climbed mountains...and all made it down safely!

Following the meeting we traveled an hour away to San Jose, where we visited a local Drug & Homeless Rehab Center. We spent about 30-40 minutes sharing music, a testimony & a silent drama about how we give our hearts to all these different things in life that come up (the cute boy, the photographer promising fame, the star Basketball player etc.) and how in the end everyone abuses our heart...then along comes Jesus, putting back together the broken pieces. We then traveled to Phase 2 of the Drug Rehab and presented the same selection again. Conrad was especially impressed with their raised bed vegetable gardens and the huge fruit selection they had at all times!

We enjoyed Brazilian style hamburgers and for dinner at Rosita, followed by our post-day Team Meeting and prayer time.

Tomorrow is going to be a very full day, setting up for Bible school, AWANA, English clubs and the weekly Youth night. Check back tomorrow for more details!

And please remember the final person of our team, Ryan B. as he flies out early tomorrow morning to join us.

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