Sunday, July 22, 2012

Brazil July 2012...Day 4

So, all the best intentions….I tried so very hard to post the Day 4 blog last night (actually on Day 4) however, bonding time with Mallory and then sleep quickly overrode my good intentions!

Day 4 was an eventful day as well.  We started at 8:00 AM with a quick breakfast, then snuck in an hour or so of study and preparation.  Next up was helping one of the churches glue and put together over 80 Wordless Book paper pencil holders….seeing some of our group doing crafts was…well let's just say that is NOT there gift! :-)

Lunch was a Brazilian favorite (at least in this part of Brazil) consisting of rice & beans with pork cooked in, topped with a corn-mealish type thing and served with collard greens. We may all be converted to rice & beans by the time we return. You'll have to be sure to ask Timothy R. his experience at this lunch.

The afternoon was watching the AWANA program at the church, then a much needed afternoon off. Some of our team enjoyed walking around the camp and seeing it in entirety, some of us just took a nap. 

The evening was particularly enjoyable for me (Debi) as we started at 6:00 PM with English Conversation clubs.  Actually, they did an impromptu Birthday Party for our group….even though none of us were actually celebrating a birthday right now!

Ben M. has been leading the beginner English conversation group, and Josh B. has been leading the advanced English conversation group.  Timothy R. & I sat in with Josh and the others sat in on Ben's group.  It was really fun to hear this group ask questions in English, be put on the spot a little bit, and to see that they even understand quite a bit of our sarcasm and jokes.

Following the English Conversation Club was the weekly Youth Night.  Sam kicked us off with a couple ice-breaker games and that was really fun to see everyone attempting to understand the game instructions in their own language. Next up was music….Ben played guitar and I ( Debi) sang along with 2 Brazilian singers.  Music is a HUGE part of life here, and the band was great! I greatly enjoyed getting to praise the Lord in song & music with this other team of fellow believers.  Conrad did a great job of speaking to the group, and we all had multiple opportunities to converse (or attempt to converse!) with the Youth afterwards while we were eating hamburgers they made.

We returned home around 10:30 PM and did group meeting and prayer then off to bed it was!

Right now, you can pray for Ryan B. the last team member, who is scheduled to arrive at 9:45 AM.  Pray for safety, that the local picking him up will have no trouble, and that he will be rested enough to jump right in when he gets here…we have plans for him! :-)

Thank you!

1 comment:

Tod said...

Thanks for posting your updates! By the way the Brazilian lunch sounds great to me...