Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chanku Waste Ranch, Camp Day 2

Tuesday, day 2 of camp started off with 44 kids piling off the bus and vans!  It is always a great thing to see the kids returning day to day AND bringing friends!  Here on the reservation, it is not uncommon for kids of all ages to be left alone at home for long periods of time, or to deal with serious alcoholism or drugs in the home.  Camp is often a nice reprieve for these kids and something they come to look forward to. 

Day 2 of camp was very similar to Day 1, but with a slight twist.  We started the day by passing out personal water bottles, sunscreen and granola bars, since many of these kids live in a constant state of hunger. After 'breakfast' we broke the kids up by age group, making 3-4 different age groups. 

Typically there are 3-4 teen counselors with each group, and 1-2 adult sponsors with each group.  After breaking into age groups, one group will head out to game time down on the field, where there is a basketball court, a small jungle gym, a soccer field and plenty of space to run around. The other groups head to Bible lesson time, crafts or activity stations.  After 40 minutes or so, they rotate stations, stopping by the water pump to refill water bottles and a quick pit-stop at the bath-house. 

Tuesday activities included the addition of two fun stations, a team building obstacle course and an archery station.  Campers enjoyed figuring out how to get their entire team across the suspended 2X4's to the other side, and it was quite the healthy competition over in the archery pit! 

Taking the campers home following camp took a couple interesting turns; Unreturned car keys temporarily stranded one of our groups down the street at Sharps Corner Baptist Church, so another group rerouted after dropping off their kids.  At the same time they were stranded, a group from Texas hauling a few loads of donations pulled in to drop off supplies. 

The time connecting with others on a missions trip from Texas turned into additional helpers for the camp time!  Several of the Texas group have pitched in and helped out in the kitchen, bagging up cookies, sandwiches and carrots. One of our vans also ran into team members from FaithWorks, doing work projects in a neighboring reservation village…and some of these team members are from Columbia! Small world...

After all the commotion, we enjoyed a fabulous Ka-bob dinner fixed by Mr. Raw, our wonderful in-house 'roughin-it' camp-style cook. Randy is the king of simple, no-fuss, but quite tasty cooking.  Without the use of a stove, oven, or even working sink, we have enjoyed Fettucine Alfredo, Chicken Pot-Pie, Biscuits and Gravy, and look forward to Spaghetti & Meatballs, and a grilled feast later this week!  (He also is trekking down the hill to the garage frequently to retrieve items from the fridge & freezer.)   The evening activity was a quick trip out to Kuny Table, a mesa nearby with great views. It is so peaceful and quiet out here, and the views can be absolutely breathtaking.  

More updates tomorrow, about how today, Wednesday Day 3 of Camp went!!  A quick preview, today is WATER DAY!!! All the campers are SO excited about getting doused with water in a variety of games!!  I'm sure pictures tomorrow will be a hoot!
Team Member Spotlight, Keely Frey, 2nd year (Hope Bible Church)
"This trip is something I look forward to every year, it is truly life-changing for me. I enjoy watching the kids grow closer to God, and love the opportunity to be surrounded every day by all the Christians on the staff and team that's here.  I also think the food is awesome!!  A funny fact: Everybody makes fun of my bunions and laugh at my obnoxious singing in the shower!" 

Team Member Spotlight, Emily Murray, 1st year
"Before coming on the Lakota trip I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I halfway expected the kids would behave badly, but I have been proved wrong! They actually are pretty awesome! Hanging with kids all day is lots of fun! Funny fact about me: I endure endless ginger jokes.  I already look forward to coming back next year."  

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