Friday, June 28, 2013

Chanku Waste Ranch, Day 4

Day 4 of camp was off to a start with 32 campers arriving on the bus.  It was another very hot day with no breeze.  Thankfully, we haven't had any dehydration issues thanks to the water police! Randy Raw does a fabulous job of hounding, I mean reminding, people to drink more water!  It is a great thing, and easy to forget in the busyness  of camp activities. 

The camp on Day 4 included a far more attentive group for the lesson and story time, and overall a normal day at camp.  Normal is good here, it means few behavioral issues, little or no breakdowns and generally no problems, always a good thing!!

The two Youth Pastors were pretty proud of themselves for figuring out how to move the tarp (for shade) that was stretched between to vans.  Other youth leaders called it the 'lazy' way, but Conrad & Matt were pretty adamant that it was not lazy, but rather an 'ingenious' way to move the tarp without disassembling! The jury is still out on that one…

Team Member Spotlight, Tessa Russell, Hope Bible Church 
This week has been great! I feel like the last few days have brought me closer with the kids, and that they are just now starting to open up and ask better questions.  My favorite part of the week has been sitting one -on-one with those kids that are really interested in learning what we're teaching.  

For the past 2 years two of our Team Sponsors have been known as Luigi & Mario. The name was earned partially because Stan was called Mario by some of the kids, and partially because Stan & Randy both are for some reason always called when a plumber is needed.  

Stan is also known as our 'Video & Camara' guy; he spends alot of his time following the various groups around and capturing the memories and highlights of the camp.  He also does a great job of compiling those photos into a short slide-show that we are able to show the campers at the end of each day.  The campers LOVE seeing themselves on the screen, and it serves as a great reminder to our teens of all the nitty-gritty happening all over the camp, not just in their own group.  

As alluded to in a previous posting, Randy Raw is also known as our 'Camp Cook.'  He does a fabulous job with very minimal resources, (no running water, in fact no sink! no stove or oven!)  He makes great use of Dutch ovens, large roasters and the grill.  We have ate very well this week!

So, here is your dual Team Member Spotlight, on Mario & Luigi!  We love you guys!!

Stan Shollenbarger, 3rd year as a Staff Team Member (Mario)
"Every year has been different, this year has been a lot of learning because there are a lot of new kids.  But this has also been one of the smoothest years because the prep was done early & that allowed the camp itself go smoother. Spending time with our youth group is a fantastic, tiring, full-filling week that is very fulfilling to see kids grow in their own faith while trying to share their faith.  I get a great amount of joy just being in a supporting role and being able to help serve with the teens and grow in my faith with them this week.

Randy Raw, 5th year as a Staff Team Member (Luigi)
This year our youth staff was really good about being servant minded, when I was cooking they were really good about asking questions.  They really love the kids, and their focus is building relationships with the kids. It is rewarding to see youth who actually desire to do that in our culture today. I agree with Stan that this year is probably the smoothest year yet.  For me, the Lakota trip is a great opportunity to serve God through serving others.  

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