Sunday, July 21, 2013

Arrival in Brazil

We arrived in Sao Paulo Friday evening and crammed 19 suitcases and 10 people in 3 compact cars to make the 1.5 hour drive to ABECAR.
We arrived at ABECAR for the first night of Kids Camp to hit the ground running on Saturday morning. After a little food and getting settled into our rooms, we started out the next day with a hike with the kids. This was no nature walk! We hiked a freshly cut trail through the jungle, stopping three times to run a rope through steep parts.
The hike was exhausting, but a lot of fun for both us and the kids. We hope to post more pictures of the rest of the activities at Kids Camp later today. This morning our team got up early to fix an American breakfast of french toast, fruit and yogurt for the kids. Kids Camp ends after lunch today; tonight we'll share in church services, and then this week we'll be working around the camp and sharing in ministry in the afternoons with the Making a Difference project. Praise God that we had a great trip here, with only one piece of non-essential baggage delayed, and we have been kept safe and healthy. This afternoon will be our first chance as a team for some downtime to regroup and plan for the rest of the week. Thank you for praying for us!

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