Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Brasil 2013....And so it begins....

And the countdown begins!! The Brazil team is leaving tomorrow, Thursday, July 18 around 6:30pm.  We are all VERY excited to begin the journey, and eve more excited to see how God is able to use our team there. 

To those of you who have supported our team both financially and prayerfully, WE THANK YOU!! We realize that trips like these are not possible without people like you! 

Speaking of prayer, here are some specific ways you can be praying for the team:

*Pray for smooth and safe travel
*Strength throughout the ministry schedule (the kids camp begins the day we arrive)
*Children and youth that don’t know Christ to be drawn in from the community
*The ongoing ministries of the camp and churches

 Also pray specifically for the Tarratacas for a few requests they have shared:

*Safety in the nation through the strikes and political protests.
*Financial support for meals and lunch for the Making a Difference project.
*Resolution to a problem with the city from a new regulation that would charge ABECAR $3500 to use 
   the water from the natural spring at the camp that they have been using for over 50 years.

We hope you continue to follow the blog updates, starting Thursday there should be daily updates (pending internet connections) and we hope it is a great way for you to see what God is doing, stay updated on prayer requests, and follow your friends & family through this amazing opportunity. 

You can check this link, or if you would like to be added to an email group list where any update is automatically sent to you, please email Pastor Conrad at, or Debi Hake at

Stay tuned!!!


Sandra Herren Colhour said...

Our family will be praying. Thank you for the blog!

Unknown said...

Jerry and I are praying for your team, for blessings of health, and for precious souls to be saved as the Lord fills you with His Spirit, and uses you to His glory.