Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Brazil 2013 Update....The whirlwind!!

Well, as with most missions trips, things just don’t  always go as planned!! I was so excited to blog about the time spent here in Brazil but the internet connection here at ABECAR has been down for several months now and it doesn't look like it will be a quick fix.  So, my apologies for the lack of blog updates, but please know that I am writing daily blogs and when I have internet access I will upload bits and pieces of them as quickly as I can!! Thank you to those of you who have been patiently following the non-existent blog, and hopefully, you will continue to do so!  

The trip so far has seemed much like a whirlwind, with our carefully made plans chucked into the wind! The team of 10 left Columbia  Thursday, July 18th around 6:30pm.  The flights were all safe, and thankfully uneventful. A slight 2 hour delay on departure time from Dallas to Miami was the only hiccup in the trip down.  We 'enjoyed' an 8 hour layover in Miami in which we were able to get 3 whopping hours of sleep in some amazing donated hotel rooms before boarding our flight from Miami to Sao Paulo, arriving around 8:00pm Friday evening at Camp ABECAR.  Praise the Lord for ease through customs, and for finding all but one of our pieces of luggage.  (The missing piece was quickly located and delivered just 3 days later.)

At Camp ABECAR, Friday-Sunday, the 19-21, the first of the weeks events were kicked off with a 'Kid's English Camp.  This camp was for the younger aged school children, and they came and stayed overnight at the camp Friday & Saturday night, leaving Sunday afternoon.  Saturday found us spending time with the kids from the camp, joining in their activities and games, a bonfire, and Camp ABECAR's tradition of the girl serenading the boys after lights out, to be returned by the boys serenading the girls.  Fun to watch the groups try to outdo each other!

Sunday, the team woke up early to fix an American Breakfast (ironically of)160+ pieces of French Toast, homemade Maple Syrup, strawberries and grapes and yogurt. 

Conrad preached at the church in Mogi in the morning while the remainder of the group stayed at the camp to see the kids camp through to the end when the kids left around 1:00-2:00 pm.  The team was able to nap & get rested in the afternoon a bit before going to church in the evening.

In the evening, the team was split in half, with Conrad, Hannah, Michelle & Abbie  joining Pastor Leandro at the church in Mogi to share in the Word and through drama. Shawn, Abi, Maddy & Debi went to a church plant in Suzano with Pastor Denis, and shared through song and interpretive dance. (well, Maddie shared in dance, the rest of us cheered her on!) 

Monday you would have found a couple members of our team scrubbing the outdoor soccer court, with wire brushes and a power washer to ready it to paint. The rest of our team was painting the bathrooms of a pavilion.  Though none of us were prepared for work projects, we were happy to jump in to fill the need.  In the evening a few joined Pastor Leandro in a training workshop at the church in Mogi, to train volunteers how to engage people in places like nursing homes and orphanages…they call this "Clown Training."  

Today, we had the unique privilege of sharing our presentation in a local elementary / middle school.  Here in Brazil the restrictions on sharing faith and speaking about God in public school are not as taboo as in America, so we were able to sing songs about God, a couple of girls shared testimonies and Conrad was able to give a short message sharing openly the entire time about God and how we do what we do because of our relationship with Him.  Such a neat experience for our team to be a part of!  

As I sign off for today, here are a couple things you can keep in your prayers for our group:
  1. Strength and energy….we are going, going, going from around 7:00am, and not stopping til 10:00pm or later every day.  We are tired!! 
  2. Increased confidence in sharing what we've prepared, in jumping in and spending time with the kids and teens we are ministering with even though the language barrier is there
  3. That we would be ready and willing to jump into all the various opportunities that come our way, even if it means veering off our ready made plans!  And that our attitudes would stay positive and that we would see any labor as worship.

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