Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Final Day in Mogi for the GBC Team

Will post more later today hopefully, but just wanted to make you all aware that today is the last day for the team to be here in Mogi.  They are currently packing, cleaning and organizing their things.  The rest of the day we plan to sightsee a bit more and do some last minute shopping before heading to the airport.

The flight leaves Sao Paulo around 1:00 am (Wednesday morning) and after all the connections, is expected to land in Columbia Thursday evening around 6:00 pm.

Please pray for safety for their travels, especially since several of our team are suffering from colds and headaches.

Also please pray for our family, as Debi, Josiah, MacKenzie and I will be staying here in Mogi until August 10th.

Hopefully another post with more information about our last few days (including our crazy hike through the Rainforest to a beautiful waterfall!) will come soon.

Thanks for your continued support and prayers!

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