Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Camp - Day 2

Today we had slightly fewer kids.  We only had about 30 due to events on the reservation and other interests that compete for these kids’ time.  We continue to pray that they will come and that we can share God’s love in our actions, our words, and in each activity.

Today’s lessons were based on the Exodus from Egypt and the Israelites’ wandering in the wilderness.  We had our own little Exodus, painted, made beads necklaces, and sang Jesus loves me, complete with sign language!

As we met last night for team devotions and reviewed the many blessings for our group, we listed the great weather so far, the ever-evolving facilities that make this camp better and better, and finally our great cooking crew!  Today we had walking tacos for lunch and they were a hit (a walking taco is all of the taco ingredients in a bag of Doritos).

Our group has so much to be thankful for and we are most appreciative of your continued prayer support!

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