Friday, June 27, 2014

Camp - Day 4

This morning Pastor Brennan shared about a friend in Florida that had leukemia which turned into terminal bone cancer over the weekend. Through that diagnosis he also came to faith in Christ. We prayed together as a camp for him and learned later today that his liver was better all of a sudden, allowing for a needed bone marrow transplant. Hundreds of miles away, it is exciting to hear about how God is at work through the power of the gospel and of prayer.

In addition to this young man's physical and spiritual healing, JJ, one of the welders working with Ray for the past few weeks, came to faith in Christ today! JJ's conversion is a direct result of the camp staff's commitment to relational discipleship through Ray, Mike Brennan, and Matt Hadden. It has been exciting to be a part of what God is doing here; we can truly say that there are many hands planting and watering, but God is giving the increase! 

JJ hard at work in the welding shop

Today was Water Day, which meant water balloons and a water slide for the kids and a trip to swim in the White River for the teens. The temperatures have been a welcome 90 degrees (about 20 degrees cooler than last year's high over 110!), but still warm and dry enough for everyone to enjoy the chance to cool off.

We finished the day with our annual trip to Sheep Mountain to praise God together and share our team devotions in the midst of the majesty of God's creation in the Badlands. We were all exhausted from the week, and grateful for the time of refreshment for our team. As we have worked together through the "one another" expectations of believers in the New Testament, today we came to the difficult challenge of exhorting one another. Our environment, spending every waking and sleeping moment together as a team, affords many opportunities to practice loving and serving one another, as well as confronting and encouraging each other.

Please pray for our team as we finish up camp with a half day tomorrow, and also please pray for the father of one of the campers' families who is recovering from a heart attack on Wednesday.

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