Saturday, June 28, 2014

Camp - Day 5

 Today was a day of tearful goodbyes as we wrapped up an amazing week of camp at Chanku Waste Ranch. We ended our journey with the Israelites at the bronze serpent, sharing the connection that Jesus was similarly lifted up on the cross to give eternal life to all who believe. The bus was loaded with Lakota kids and our teens as we made the final run this afternoon. Many relationships have been forged, the gospel has been proclaimed and demonstrated, and we have all learned from each other more of the love of Christ. It's been an incredible week, and it's hard to believe that it has already come to a close.

We had planned to visit Belle Butte as a team this afternoon, but the unseasonable rain made the dirt road impassable. We did have some team bonding over getting one of the vans out of the mud!

Our Teen team on top of Bell's Butte on Monday

If you would like to share in the ministry of Chanku Waste Ranch, you can purchase a t-shirt to help support their fund for a new bus. The blue shirt is $20 and the other two are $15 each. We'll place an order early next week, and the shirts will be in within 2 weeks. Contact Pastor Conrad if you would like to place an order.

We will be returning home in separate groups much the same way that we began: the Shermans and Heather have already left today, several of the ladies will be leaving first thing Saturday morning, while the majority of the group will be visiting Sylvan Lake in the Black Hills and returning to Missouri Sunday evening. Please pray for safety for each of the groups as they travel, and that the team will have an enjoyable day of rest and fellowship together throughout the trip home.

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