Friday, July 25, 2014


Safe & sound in Brasil are we!!

Sorry for the delay in blog updates.  You would think a 6 turned 9 hour car ride from Columbia to Chicago on Day 1, and the 12 hour plane ride from Chicago to Sao Paulo, would have given ample time to write and update the blog, but alas, some of us had a difficult time prioritizing sleep and blog updates!

So, for a quick update on everything for those of you not yet in the know….

WHO is in Brasil right now? 

This year our team happens to be all students (girls too, as you'll see!) that attend Grace Bible's Youth Group. Here is a long overdue picture of our team below! 

(Back row Left to Right: Abi, Caitlin, Conrad, Debi, Maddie, Catherine, Cassidy. Front Row: MacKenzie & Josiah)

We will be assisting GBC's supported missionaries, Julie & Leandro Terrataca in Mogi das Cruzes, located about 1 hour outside Sao Paolo. Throughout the week you'll be hearing and seeing more of the actual ministry here at Camp ABECAR, but below is a list of highlighted activities that will be going on during the following two weeks.

Weekend Kids English Camp, ages 13 and under (Friday-Sunday)
Preaching & Presenting Drama, Music & Testimonies in the local churches (Sunday)
Drama, Music, Testimonies & Dance at the local highschools & the Making A Difference Program at ABECAR (Monday-Friday)
Weekend Youth English Camp, ages 13-30(Friday-Sunday)
Preaching & Presenting Drama, Music & Testimonies in the local churches (Sunday)

Day 1: Thursday, July 24: Chicago via the 'Big Red Van'

Because tickets were considerably cheaper this time through Chicago, and there was an added benefit of a non-stop flight to Sao Paolo, we traveled from Columbia to Chicago Wednesday afternoon. We finally pulled out of Columbia around 5:30 pm, and between stops and dinner pulled in Chicago around 2:30 am. Quite the long day! Needless to say, some of us fell asleep before hitting the bed!

Day 2: Friday, July 25: Fun in Chicago + 12 hours in the Air!

Today began pretty slowly, with most of us fumbling around for coffee while trying to recoup from another short night of sleep. A few cups in and some breakfast in our bellies and we were good to go.  We were able to spend a couple hours in downtown Chicago, sightseeing.  Though we weren't able to cram everything we had hoped to see in, we were able to stroll through the Moody Bible Institute campus,   catch a great view of the city from the top of the Hancock Tower, see a view landmarks from the ground and of course, eat some good ol' Chicago style deep dish pizza!

Arrival and departure at the airport was uneventful, and fast! We arrived, had no trouble passing through security and boarded the plane not long after.  Some of our team experienced their first flight ever, and most of our team was unable to get any sleep on the plane, but all in all, we are thankful for a very uneventful flight, and no issues getting through security and customs!

Attempting to cram our luggage into the cars proved to be an interesting but totally doable feat!  The car you see here is the largest of the 3 that graciously transported our items from the airport to the camp. So grateful for these 3 men, Pastor Leondro, his brother Junior, and Pastor Denis.  They are always so wonderful and accommodating to the massive amounts of luggage we bring, and the time they spend driving the Americans around Brasil!  Of course, I do have to add in our defense that a large amount of the luggage you see here contains items for our dear friends, in the name of Peanut Butter, Oreos, Pancake Mixes, Pancake Syrup and….more Peanut Butter!  Precious goods indeed!

Ministry began around 6:30 pm tonight, after we arrived at Camp ABECAR around 1:00, were treated to a delicious lunch, then took some time to unpack and nap for a bit.  Around 4:30 pm campers started arriving for the Weekend Kids English Camp, and by 6:30 pm camp was already in full swing, and your girls were already fast at work. They are fast learners, with previous French and Spanish classes being put to good use helping them to pick up a few Portuguese words here and there. 

As Day 1 and 2 have seemed to fly by for us, we would ask that you keep our team, the ministry here in Brasil, and all the staff involved in your prayers.  To be specific, here are a few ways you can specifically pray for us:

Praise for safe, smooth and uneventful travels so far!
Pray for good rejuvinating sleep
Ability to remain focused though tired

Signing off for today….

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