Wednesday, March 25, 2015

2015 GBC Ukriane Missions Trip--Day 3, The PARTY!

Well, remember how yesterday we mentioned that Conrad's suitcase aka clothing had not arrived!? Well, this morning we received a message that his suitcase had arrived!  This was something that was not expected, maybe not even expected before we returned home as there is usually only 1 flight from Moscow to Odessa weekly.  So, yay for clean clothes, our coffee (perhaps a double yay here!) and for more comfy shoes!

Today was a fairly low-key day, with a chance to sleep in and get some much needed rest, a quick trip to the airport to retrieve Conrad's suitcase, and what the Ukrianian Campus Team calls, a 'Social.' Basically this social was a good opportunity to mix up the English Clubs a bit; play some games, have some fun, share about the Ukraine Campus Crusade ministry, and for our team to share a testimony.  We also managed to make fun of ourselves quite a might get a kick out of our American Mash-up!

The social was an incredibly fun time, allowing us to be more 'normal' and less teacher-ish.  We were able to laugh and converse with the students through a game of Simon Says, crossword puzzle, Honey if you love me please smile, and a karoeke contest!  Shawn also had the opportunity to share her testimony, which was a perfect way to end our time together.  Some response was already recieved from
tonight, and we are hoping to set up some one-on-one times to talk more in depth. And, if you can be the first to correctly guess what Conrad is doing in this picture to the right, we will bring home a bag of Ukrainian candy just for you! :-) (Post it in the comment section)

In addition to those one-on-one conversations we hope for, each member on the team will have a student that 'won a date' with us, so we will take them for coffee one-on-one, and spend some time answering any questions that they have and hopefully going deeper about our relationship with Christ with those students.  Please keep this in your prayers.  This is a great opporunity for more in-depth and personal conversations than we can hope for in our English clubs, and could really be a unique way for sharing about Christ.

And, as is the link to a delightfully embarrassing video of your American team doing a mashup of some iconic American songs for the Party!  No judging...we had about an hour or so to put this together!  (And, as you'll clearly see, some of us were not born to dance!)


Cyndi H said...

Conrad dancing "Gangnam Style"

Unknown said...

Who is this wild man in the videos?! I don't see this side of Pastor Conrad in the church office! :)

Looks like you are having a great time and really connecting with the students. We'll keep praying for your protection and ability to communicate the gospel clearly to the students.

Rock on!

Misty K

Unknown said...

Haha! Yes Cyndi H, you are correct! Gangnam Style it is! Will bring your bag of Ukrainian Candies home!